Download file using FTP

First you need to add reference to Ftp.dll .NET FTP library, and import appropriate namespaces:

// C# version

using Limilabs.FTP.Client;
' VB.NET version

Imports Limilabs.FTP.Client

The following code downloads the file from reports folder on the server, using FTP protocol, and saves it to disk:

// C# version

using (Ftp client = new Ftp())
    client.Connect("");    // or ConnectSSL for SSL
    client.Login("user", "password");

    client.Download(@"reports\report.txt", @"c:\report.txt");

' VB.NET version

Using client As New Ftp()
	client.Connect("")    ' or ConnectSSL for SSL
	client.Login("user", "password")

	client.Download("reports\report.txt", "c:\report.txt")

End Using

You can also download the file to memory and process it immediately:

// C# version

using (Ftp client = new Ftp())
    client.Connect("");     // or ConnectSSL for SSL
    client.Login("user", "password");

    byte[] bytes = client.Download(@"reports/report.txt");
    string report = Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes);


' VB.NET version

Using client As New Ftp()
	client.Connect("")    ' or ConnectSSL for SSL
	client.Login("user", "password")

	Dim bytes As Byte() = client.Download("reports/report.txt")
	Dim report As String = Encoding.[Default].GetString(bytes)


End Using

Finally you can also use the overload that uses any Stream as the destination.

You can download Ftp.dll FTP/FTPS client for .NET here.



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