Send iCalendar recurring meeting requests
First add all necessary namespaces:
// C# version using System; using Limilabs.Mail; using Limilabs.Mail.Appointments; using Limilabs.Mail.Headers; using Fluent = Limilabs.Mail.Fluent; using Limilabs.Client.SMTP;
' VB.NET version Imports System; Imports Limilabs.Mail; Imports Limilabs.Mail.Appointments; Imports Limilabs.Mail.Headers; Imports Fluent = Limilabs.Mail.Fluent; Imports Limilabs.Client.SMTP;
Now, we’ll create an appointment, specify it’s recurring options and send it:
// C# version Appointment appointment = new Appointment(); Event newEvent = appointment.AddEvent(); newEvent.SetOrganizer(new Person("Alice", "")); newEvent.AddParticipant(new Participant("Bob", "")); newEvent.Description = "We need to talk about the daily report"; newEvent.Summary = "Daily report meeting"; newEvent.Start = new DateTime(2010, 11, 29, 16, 0, 0); newEvent.End = new DateTime(2010, 11, 29, 17, 0, 0); newEvent.Priority = 5; newEvent.Class = EventClass.Public; RecurringRule rule = newEvent.AddRecurringRule(); rule.Interval = 1; rule.Until = new DateTime(2011, 12, 1); // -or- rule.Count = 10; // Every week on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu Fri: rule.Frequency = Frequency.Weekly; rule.ByDay.AddRange(new[] { Weekday.Monday, Weekday.Tuesday, Weekday.Wednesday, Weekday.Thursday, Weekday.Friday }); Alarm alarm = newEvent.AddAlarm(); alarm.Description = "Reminder"; alarm.BeforeStart(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); IMail email = Fluent.Mail.Text("Daily report meeting at 4PM") .Subject("Daily report meeting") .From(new MailBox("", "Alice")) .To(new MailBox("", "Bob")) .AddAppointment(appointment) .Create(); using (Smtp client = new Smtp()) { client.ConnectSSL(""); client.UseBestLogin("user", "password"); client.SendMessage(email); client.Close(); }
' VB.NET version Dim appointment As New Appointment() Dim newEvent As [Event] = appointment.AddEvent() newEvent.SetOrganizer(New Person("Alice", "")) newEvent.AddParticipant(New Participant("Bob", "")) newEvent.Description = "We need to talk about the daily report" newEvent.Summary = "Daily report meeting" newEvent.Start = New DateTime(2010, 11, 29, 16, 0, 0) newEvent.[End] = New DateTime(2010, 11, 29, 17, 0, 0) newEvent.Priority = 5 newEvent.[Class] = EventClass.[Public] Dim rule As RecurringRule = newEvent.AddRecurringRule() rule.Interval = 1 rule.Until = New DateTime(2011, 12, 1) ' -or- rule.Count = 10; ' Every week on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu Fri: rule.Frequency = Frequency.Weekly rule.ByDay.AddRange(New Weekday() {Weekday.Monday _ , Weekday.Tuesday _ , Weekday.Wednesday _ , Weekday.Thursday _ , Weekday.Friday}) Dim alarm As Alarm = newEvent.AddAlarm() alarm.Description = "Reminder" alarm.BeforeStart(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)) Dim email As IMail = Fluent.Mail.Text("Daily report meeting at 4PM") _ .Subject("Daily report meeting") _ .From(New MailBox("", "Alice")) _ .[To](New MailBox("", "Bob")) _ .AddAppointment(appointment).Create() Using client As New Smtp() client.ConnectSSL("") client.UseBestLogin("user", "password") client.SendMessage(email) client.Close() End Using
This is how it looks like in Gmail:
Recurring meeting frequency
Here are the few samples of how you can set the frequency:
// C# version rule.Frequency = Frequency.Daily;
' VB.NET version rule.Frequency = Frequency.Daily
Every month on last monday:
// C# version rule.Frequency = Frequency.Monthly; rule.ByDay.Add(Weekday.LastMonday);
' VB.NET version rule.Frequency = Frequency.Monthly rule.ByDay.Add(Weekday.LastMonday)
Every month on second but last monday:
// C# version rule.Frequency = Frequency.Monthly; rule.ByDay.Add(new Weekday(-2, Weekday.Monday));
' VB.NET version rule.Frequency = Frequency.Monthly rule.ByDay.Add(New Weekday(-2, Weekday.Monday))