Wrapper configuration with StructureMap

Recently we have some problems with StructureMap configuration.
We decided to move away from xml files and use registry configuration.

Imagine the following scenario, we have a service class (MyService), and decide
to create simple caching mechanism, by creating a wrapper class (MyServiceWithCaching)

public interface IService
	List<string> MyMethod();

// Original service
public class MyService : IService
	public List<string> MyMethod() { ... }

// Service that supports simple caching
public class MyServiceWithCaching : IService
	IService _service;
	List<string> _cached;

	// NOTE: We want IService to be injected by IoC container
  	public MyServiceWithCaching(IService service)
		_service =service;

	public List<string> MyMethod()
		if (_cached == null)
			// call original when no cached data
			_cached = _service.MyMethod();
		return _cached;

The problem is how to tell StructureMap that when somebody asks for IMyService it should get MyServiceWithCaching which should be injected with original MyService class.

It took us some time to figure this out and here’s the solution:

public class IocRegistry : Registry
    protected override void configure()

} ;



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