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We purchased the Mail.dll license, i am the developer for the company.

My issue is with retrieving the Subject field for certain emails, some of them come back as ?UTF8?Q? and are urlencoded and others are UTF8Q then urlencoded.

Obviously normal email clients filter this out and decode the Subject as normal text as we dont see this from the same message in Outlook.

I am creating an IMail object and getting the Subject from that, is there a function or another filter in the Mail.dll that can sort this out and return a text only subject?

by (200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Mail.dll decodes all encoded words present subject field, both quoted-printable (Q) and base64 (B) encoded.

I'm not sure if I understand you correctly - you are saying, that you have some emails that Mail.dll is not decoding correctly?

If so, please attach eml version of such message:

Please also check if you are using the latest version, and show us the code you use.

by (302k points)
Sorry, it was my error, I was looking at an output from before I added your tool to our system.
The tool is brilliant by the way, does exactly what we needed.
Sorry for the mix up.