0 votes


Got a HTML email (IsHtml = true), but we the two calls are called, I am getting some garbage data, not text, it seems to be in the wrong encoding..

Any ideas?



by (200 points)
Please send raw eml data as zipped attachment to the support address you can find in this page footer.

You can find detailed instructions here:

What is the component version you are using?
The version is: 3.0.15091.1036

I have downloaded the latest version. I will send the EML file as attachment.

1 Answer

0 votes

HTML stored within this message is incorrect:

    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-16">
  <body><p>from ken<br><br><br><br>ML Test1<br>

It claims it uses utf-16 charset whereas it is in utf-8 or ASCII (there aren't any national characters there)

Following code passes. It replaces utf-16 with correct utf-8:

IMail mail = new MailBuilder().CreateFromEmlFile("c:\\email.eml");

string correctHtml = mail.Html.Replace("charset=utf-16", "charset=utf-8")

mail.HtmlData.Data = mail.HtmlData.Encoding.GetBytes(correctHtml);

StringAssert.Contains("ML Test1", mail.GetBodyAsText());
by (302k points)