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I am using Mail.dll for email login and mail operations. It is working fine if I login from my computer. But it's not working if location is change to another country. I have tried by disable firewall and antivirus. But still same result. I can not download emails.

What can be reason for that?

by (3.0k points)
What is the exact error message and exception's stack trace?

1 Answer

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Please examine the exception's message, as server is likely to inform you, why the connection was disconnected.

There are several situations when server may lock your account:

  • you tried to login with incorrect credentials to many times,
  • you are logging-in from a different location that you used to,
  • your account doesn't have IMAP/POP3 protocol enabled

Usually logging-in through web interface is enough; sometimes a captcha must be filled (e.g. Google's unlock CAPTCHA)

However those situations/restrictions are server/email provider dependent and you'll need to contact your server administrator/email provider help page, to get information on how to proceed.

Here you can get more details on a connection attempt failed error, it also provides link to articles on enabling IMAP/POP3 protocols in Gmail and Exchange.

by (302k points)
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