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I am using Mail.dll for email operations. I want to synchronize(export) my local contacts and groups to email account on email server. It should work for both General Server (Gmail, Yahoo) and Exchange server.
How can I achieve it?

by (3.0k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Mail.dll is an email component. Neither IMAP, POP3, or SMTP supports contact synchronization.

Mail.dll supports sending vCards and supports parsing emails that contain them:

by (302k points)
It means I can download(import) contact and group of email account but I can't add(export) contact or group to email account??
If it is so, can you please suggest me if there a way to achieve this?
Neither IMAP, POP3, or SMTP supports contact synchronization. You can't export or import contacts using email protocols. Only vCards are supported - vCards are sent as attachments.