0 votes

I am using VB.net.
when i want to send an email with

Dim result As ISendMessageResult
result = smtp.SendMessage(email)

and for example because of a wrong emailadress, sending fails.
The returnvalue is NOTHING instead of a regular value.

and because of NOTHING, i can't handle any Errors because i don't get any
Values back.

How can i detect what has been the reason why sending failt.

Please help

Here is my extracted code:

Dim lngBytesSent As Long, ResponseText As String 
', I As Integer, wert As String, response As SmtpResponse

builder.Subject = "Test"
builder.From.Add(New MailBox("Sender@domain.de", "Sender@domain.de"))
builder.[To].Add(New MailBox("rec1@domain.de", "rec1@domain.de"))
builder.[To].Add(New MailBox("rec2@domain.de", "rec2@domainxxx.de"))
Dim email As IMail = builder.Create()

Using smtp As New Smtp()
        smtp.AllowPartialSending = True
        smtp.Connect(mSMTPServerName, mSMTPServerPort)    
        ' or ConnectSSL for SSL
        If mSMTPAccountName = "" Then
            smtp.UseBestLogin(mSMTPAccountName, mSMTPAuthPWD)
        End If
    Catch ex As Exception
        Exit Sub
    End Try

    Dim result As ISendMessageResult
        result = smtp.SendMessage(email) 
        'with a wrong reciepient an error is thrown

        If result.Status = 0 Then
            MsgBox("result.Status = 0")
            If result.Status = 1 Then      
                'Partial success status: message was succesfully 
                'sent to some, but not to all receipients
                If result.FromRejected Then
                    If result.RejectedRecipients.Count <> 0 Then
                        MsgBox("result.RejectedRecipients.Count <> 0")
                        SendStatus = 4  'Socket closed
                        ResponseText = Get_ResponseText(result.AllResponses)
                    End If
                End If
            Else   'keine email ging raus, Failure status: message sending failed

            End If
        End If
    Catch e As SmtpResponseException
        'error handling never reaches this section WHY !!!!
        MsgBox(e.Response)  '
        If IsNothing(result) Then
            MsgBox("result.Status = Nothing")
            If result.Status = 2 Then   
            'keine email ging raus, Failure status: message sending failed
                MsgBox("result.Status = 2")
                MsgBox("result.Status = 1")
            End If
        End If
    Catch ex As Exception
        If IsNothing(result) Then
            MsgBox("result.Status = Nothing")
            If result.Status = 2 Then   
            'keine email ging raus, Failure status: message sending failed
                MsgBox("result.Status = 2")
                MsgBox("result.Status = 1")
            End If
        End If
    End Try
End Using

with a wrong receipient i always end up in the 'Catch ex As Exception' section. and result is NOTHING.

Thank you for your immediate response.

by (200 points)
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Could you please show your code?
First: consider using enums, such as SendMessageStatus.Success, SendMessageStatus.Failure instead of integers.

1 Answer

0 votes

Unless you encounter serious SMTP protocol error - in which case a SmtpResponseException or ServerException is thrown, return value of Smtp.SendMessage method is always non-null

After looking at your code:

  1. If you are ending in 'Catch ex As Exception' block, it most likely mean that your server disconnects when it encounters incorrect recipient - this violates SMTP protocol obviously, but some servers act in such way. The expcetion is a ServerException in such case.

    You can turn on logging to get more info:

  2. In 'Catch ex As Exception' block, 'result' variable can not be set - this is how .NET and VB.NET works.

  3. You can examine ex.Data["SendMessageResult"] entry to get ISendMessageResult in such case. This entry is filled only if a problem happened after Mail.dll tried to send a message (e.g. during RSET command)

by (302k points)
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