Hello, good day!
Please, because limilabs mail component to read this email understands that there is only one recipient in the CC field
Below the CC field as it is in the text file (.eml).
Cc: fernando.rustice@wolterskluwer.com.br; heverton.gentilim@wolterskluwer.com.br; alessandra.matias@wolterskluwer.com.br; fellipe.borges@wolterskluwer.com.br
That is, when I read this email field component understands how name: "fernando.rustice@wolterskluwer.com.br; heverton.gentilim@wolterskluwer.com.br; alessandra.matias@wolterskluwer.com.br;"
and how to address: fellipe.borges@wolterskluwer.com.br
Can you help me please.
Thank you, Carlos Bertolino.