Hi support,
I'm afraid I detected a bug in your text search, or there is something I can't figure out...
I am using limilabs to automatically detect and preocess undeliverables. To do this, I use:
var undeliverables = client.Search(
Works fine, except as soon as I use
"L'adresse de messagerie que vous avez entrée est introuvable"
as tmpText (I have a list of "undeliverable signature texts" that I check against), I get the ominous "Tried to read a line. Only '' received. Please make sure that antivirus and firewall software are disabled or configured correctly" error.
I guess the "é" doesn't go down well...
And since I do need to handle French texts, this is a real pain...
Can you please fix this, or tell me how I can use extended characted set in Expression.Subject and Expression.Body?
Thank you very much!!!