After updating to the latest version of the Mail.dll available via nuget, our license is being erroneously reported as 'invalid'.
I've created a simple program that does nothing up validate the license:
var fileName = LicenseHelper.GetLicensePath();
var status = LicenseHelper.GetLicenseStatus();
Console.WriteLine($"License Path: {fileName}");
Console.WriteLine($"License Status: {status}");
With the latest stable version 3.0.17023.1443 the license comes back as Invalid.
With the previous version 3.0.16292.1158 it is reported as valid.
The license was purchased on 1/19/2016. I see no mention of versioning in the license terms, only that 'support' will only be offered a year after purchase. I'm assuming that, since this latest version was released more than a year after our purchase, the license will no longer support this, or future, versions. Is this correct?