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I have tried almost all options, but connection attempt failed is what I get.
I have a licenced version of Mail.dll.
Please help.

  1. It is a c# code
  2. I get an exception : connection attempt failed
  3. It is a IMAP server
  4. I have tried both Connect/ ConnectSSL, none of them work.

I can access to the web-mail (so not a network issue/ firewall issue)
Have tried 143/ 993 doesnt work either :(

related to an answer for: A connection attempt failed
You need to be a bit more specific.

How does your code look like?
Are you getting any exception, error message?

What server are you connecting to? Is it IMAP, POP3, SMTP?
What is the server address, port? Does it require SSL, STARTTLS?
What is the server address?
Are you sure that IMAP is turned on on the server?

This looks like a network related issue:
Are you sure your firewall/AV software is not blocking your connections (by default IMAP over SSL/TLS uses port 993)?
I can ping the server. doesn't that mean i have access to the server?
That means that your machine recognizes the IP and is alive  - nothing more. It doesn't meant that IMAP is turned on nor that firewall allows IMAP traffic.

1 Answer

0 votes

I can access to the web-mail (so not a network issue/ firewall issue)

Web interface runs over HTTP or HTTPS (port 80 or 443).

It still might be a network issue.

Are you sure your firewall/AV software is not blocking your connections (by default IMAP over SSL/TLS uses port 993)?

Are you sure IMAP is turned on on the server?

What is the server address?

A connection attempt failed:

by (302k points)
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