I made a connection to an SMTP server via the function Connect in VB.Net, I have this error message:
Tried to read a line. Only '' received. Please make sure that antivirus and firewal software are disabled or configured correctly.
Thank you.
Using smtp As New Smtp()
smtp.Connect(_ServeurSMTP, _PortSMTP)
AddHandler smtp.ServerCertificateValidate, AddressOf ValidateSMTP
smtp.UseBestLogin(_UserName, _Pss)
Dim builder As New MailBuilder()
builder.From.Add(New MailBox(AdrMail, "Service PARC AUTO"))
builder.[To].Add(New MailBox(DestMail, DestName))
builder.Subject = "Relevé kilométrique"
builder.Text = " Bonjour...."
Dim email As IMail = builder.Create()
Dim result As ISendMessageResult = smtp.SendMessage(email)
If result.Status = SendMessageStatus.Success Then
' Message was sent.
End If
End Using