+1 vote

Has anyone started the verification process or heard from anyone who has?

I'm really curious to learn why there isn't more backlash about this since most small developers won't be able to pay this. I would think this hurts Limilabs too since it reduces the value without being able to use Gmail.


1 Answer

0 votes
  1. Local client applications are exempt from the security assessment.
  2. You don't need OAuth2 to access Gmail,
  3. Most of the corporate applications are not affected even by the verification process,
  4. In any way this doesn't remove ability to use Gmail with Limilabs Mail.dll -or- make Limilabs Mail.dll inferior solution.

I believe that some Google forum or Google representative may be a better place to answer your questions.

by (302k points)
edited by
Can you point me to the article that elaborate on gmail access with out OAuth2, We plan to integrate gmail but with thirdparty verification it will be impossible.
Please note the original answer is over 3 years old.

From May 30, 2022, ​​Google no longer supports sign in to your Google Account using only your username and password.

Gmail still supports application passwords: