+1 vote

Currently using version 2.0.50727. After successfully authorizing, I intermittently get a 404 Not Found error when calling GoogleApi(token).GetEmail. It works about 20% of the time. I did find that moving to the newest version solves this issue, just wondering if there is any way to get correct functionality in the old version, as updating the thousands of clients to the new version is going to be a pain.


1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Latest version uses a different endpoint to obtain email address.

As far as I remember, Google changed the endpoint and the old one (https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me) is deprecated.

Latest version of Mail.dll uses the new endpoint address (https://www.googleapis.com/userinfo/v2/me).

There is no way to change this without updating to the latest version of Mail.dll.

by (302k points)