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I have 2 apps using Mail.dll. App 1 is old one (more than 5 years old) and uses Mail.dll v. 3.0.13 and it uses its own License 1 file. App 2 uses Mail.dll v 3.0.19 and uses its own License 2 file. This week my 1st app crashed suddenly. Error in Eventviewer: 'The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception'.
Issue was fixed after I copied the license file from my 2nd app (License 2) to the folder of the 1st one. But as far as i know the license is unlimited if it is used with its specific version (in my case v 3.0.13 with License 1). Could you explain why this happens? It worked successfully for years and then suddenly stopped - no system change, no dll changes, no app changes at all.



1 Answer

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License don't expire unless you update the library to the unsupported version. Once loaded and validated, license status can not change.

What I can advise is to check the license status at startup, and throw immediately, if it is not valid:

LicenseStatus status = LicenseHelper.GetLicenseStatus();
if (status != Limilabs.Licensing.LicenseStatus.Valid)
   throw new Exception($"License is not valid: {status}.");

Please contact us directly, via 'Support' page if you need support.

by (302k points)
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