I try to follew these guidence to send emails , later on we need also POP and IMAP :
But when I've got my Token im still not be able to send any mail. It allready stops when trying to connect. All setting are the same as given in the guidelines.
lcConnectHost = "smtp.office365.com";
lnPort = 587;
client.ConnectSSL(lcConnectHost, lnPort);
“Authenticate as SSL/TLS client failed.
You might be connecting to non SSL/TLS port -or- using incorrect SSL/TLS version.
Consider using TLS 1.2: client.SSLConfiguration.EnabledSslProtocols = SslProtocols.Tls12;
Please examine the inner exception for details.”
When trying the ‘old’ way
client.Connect(lcConnectHost , lnPort);
client.UseBestLogin(lcUser , lcPassw );
it fails with:
“Unrecognized authentication type [AM0PR10CA0060.EURPRD10.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM]”
Do you have any idea how to solve connecting and let us send emails?
Thanks in advance