We have a certificate distributed by a local government agency that is not publicly trusted -- i.e. we need to install a Root CA and Intermediate CA in order for their certificate to be considered valid.
This is fine, except when it comes to signing and encrypting. If we're to use a cloud service (say Azure Functions) that doesn't allow us to manipulate the local certificate store, we can't sign with an effectively "self-signed" certificate.
I've tried changing the Sign IncludeWith options to just use the EndCert, but as it's not trusted, Mail.dll won't have a bar of it. My understanding is that's a limitation of the X509Certificates signing provided by .NET and Microsoft?
Is there any alternatives to either forcing the sign?
Or, using an alternate signing library such as BouncyCastle?
Or, a way to load the Root CA into the signing Cert chain to make it trusted?
2021-07-03 23:58:31.133 +10:00 [INF] Starting up...
2021-07-03 23:58:31.140 +10:00 [INF] Loading Certificates
2021-07-03 23:58:31.486 +10:00 [INF] Loaded encryption cert: 538B8AEFFD522A3E96A10AFA1D6C68AEDB989019
2021-07-03 23:58:31.625 +10:00 [INF] Loaded signing cert: 7A1A5EBD3D804BC082D8B6D999244FB2945E05C7
2021-07-03 23:58:31.630 +10:00 [INF] - Signing
2021-07-03 23:58:31.634 +10:00 [INF] - Encrypting
2021-07-03 23:58:31.652 +10:00 [ERR] Unable to process email
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: A certificate chain could not be built to a trusted root authority.
at System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.PkcsUtils.CreateBagOfCertificates(CmsSigner signer)
at System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.SignedCms.Sign(CmsSigner signer, Boolean silent)
at System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.SignedCms.ComputeSignature(CmsSigner signer, Boolean silent)
at Limilabs.Mail.MIME.MimeSigned.__0_(Byte[] _0, CmsSigner __)
at Limilabs.Mail.MIME.MimeSigned.__00(Byte[] _0, SignatureConfiguration __)
at Limilabs.Mail.MIME.MimeSigned.___(SignatureConfiguration _0)
at Limilabs.Mail.MailBuilder.____0()
at Limilabs.Mail.MailBuilder.Create()
at App.SignAndEncryptOutbox(IEnumerable`1 outbox, EncryptionCertificateData encryptionCertificateData) in App.cs:line 470