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i am get mail to hotmail for testing but dll add some mail the mail subject "Please purchase Mail.dll license at https://www.limilabs.com/mail"
and skip original mail

i connect the Hotmail using our Dll and download the mail of INBOX folder in INBOX there have 3 mail the dll download 3 mail but one mail subject is change the subect is "Please purchase Mail.dll license at https://www.limilabs.com/mail"

by (670 points)
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Could you please rephrase? I don't think I understand your question. As you don't use any punctuation, nobody can tell where each of your sentences starts and ends.
You need to buy a license to remove this behaviour. It is documented and expected behaviour without a license. See https://www.limilabs.com/mail/help#my-license-is-not-working

1 Answer

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As you are using the evaluation version, the component changes the subject of some emails.

You need to purchase a license to remove this limitation.

by (302k points)
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ok sir thank you
i have plan to purchase our dll but i will be test first..