+1 vote

Is possibile to get the message detail (envelope and body) with the attachments metadata (id, name, size) but not the binary data?

We need to download the attachments separately.


1 Answer

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Best answer

Yes, it is possible. Use Imap.GetMessageInfoByUID method it retrieves ENVELOPE and BODYSTRUCTURE of specified messages.

Envelope contains most common information about the email message, such as: Subject, Date, From and To. BodySturcture contains email structure: number of attachments, attachment names, sizes and content-types. BodySturcture also includes information about Text and Html parts of the emails.

using (Imap imap = new Imap())
    imap.Connect("imap.example.com");   // or ConnectSSL
    imap.UseBestLogin("user@example.com", "password");

    List<long> uids = imap.Search(Flag.Unseen);
    List<MessageInfo> infos = imap.GetMessageInfoByUID(uids);

    foreach (MessageInfo info in infos)
        Console.WriteLine("Subject: " + info.Envelope.Subject);
        Console.WriteLine("From: " + info.Envelope.From);
        Console.WriteLine("To: " + info.Envelope.To);
        foreach (MimeStructure att in info.BodyStructure.Attachments)
            Console.WriteLine("  Attachment: '{0}' ({1} bytes)",

Please read this article if you wish to download BodyStructure.Attachments or BodyStructure.Text/Html data.

You can find more details in Get email information from IMAP (fast) article.

by (302k points)