I have some code which tries to get all the UIDs which came after the last time I fetched an update.
I'm getting an error with this line of code when it tried to pull emails with a specific Gmail account.
This is calling Gmail when it gives this error:
List<long> allUIDs = client.Search().Where(
I just downloaded this library on Saturday through NuGet and purchased it. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Here is the exception.
Limilabs.Client.ServerException: Could not parse command
at Limilabs.Client.IMAP.FluentSearch.GetList()
at Limilabs.Client.IMAP.FluentSearch.op_Implicit(FluentSearch search)
Before this I was using IMAPX and I could just pass a search command like "UID 32332:*" which is really what I want to accomplish. Am I not doing that anymore? It seems like some accounts work fine but just this one particular Gmail account has an issue.