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I develop a WinRT 8.1 App and want send a mail from the App.
I use the Mail.dll for Windows Store, but have some problems with Server certificates and some questions.

Is the Validate Eventhandler for SSL Connections not available in the Windows Store version?

Is there another way to check the Certificate chain for invalid Server certificates?

Sample Source and i got the following exception:

Limilabs.Client.ServerException was unhandled by user code
Message=Eine Zertifikatkette wurde zwar verarbeitet, endete jedoch mit einem Stammzertifikat, das beim Vertrauensanbieter nicht als vertrauenswürdig gilt. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x800B0109)

Do you have an idea to solve this problem?

Regards Ray

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1 Answer

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ServerCertificateValidate is not available in MailForWindowsStore.dll.

Your server must not use self signed certificates.

If you server uses regular certificates, please make sure, that the address, you provide to ConnectSSL method, matches the name on the certificate.

by (302k points)