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BarcodeSwissPostParcel Properties

The BarcodeSwissPostParcel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBackColor
Back color.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyBackColorOle
Back color for OLE.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyBarColor
Bar color.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyBarColorOle
Bar color for OLE.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyBearerBars
Bearer bars type.
(Inherited from SimpleBarcode.)
Public propertyBearerBarsSize
Bearer bars size in pixels.
(Inherited from SimpleBarcode.)
Public propertyChecksumAdd
True if checksum should be added.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyChecksumVisible
True if checksum should be visible in barcode text.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyCode128SetMode
You can specify the set that should be used when using Code128. Code128SetMode.BestFitABC is default.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyCustomText
Custom text which will be rendered instead of Number.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyEAN128IsFNC1OmmitedForFixedLength
True if FNC1 control character should be ommited for fixed length fields. This results in shorter barcode. True is default.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyFontHeight
Fraction of Height which will be reserved for text label. Between 0 and 1.0. Default is 0.15
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyFontName
Font name that will be used for any text on barcode image.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyFontStyle
Font style that will be used for any text on barcode image.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyForeColor
Text color.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyForeColorOle
Text color for OLE.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyHeight
Barcode height in pixels.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyIsNumberVisible
True if text should be visible in rendered barcode.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyLeftQuietZone
Gets or sets quiet zone size. If SetMarginsAutomatically is set to true always returns this.NarrowBarWidth*9.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyNarrowBarWidth
Width of the narrow bar in rendered barcode in pixels.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyNumber
Barcode number. Separate supplement with ',' char.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyRatio
Wide/narrow bar ratio.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyRightQuietZone
Gets or sets quiet zone size. If SetMarginsAutomatically is set to true always returns this.NarrowBarWidth*9.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyRotation
Rotation of the rendered barcode.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertySetMarginsAutomatically
If set to true RightQuietZone and LeftQuietZone always returns this.NarrowBarWidth*9.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
Public propertyTextRenderingHint
Gets or sets text rendering hint.
(Inherited from BaseBarcode.)
See Also