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FtpExtension Fields

The FtpExtension type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAuth
Represents AUTH extension. Consider using SupportsAuthSSL and SupportsAuthTLS property.
Public fieldStatic memberClnt
Represents CLNT extension.
Public fieldStatic memberMDTM
Represents 'File Modification Time' (MDTM) extension (RFC 3659).
Public fieldStatic memberMFMT
Represents 'Modify Fact: Modification Time' (MFMT) extension (draft-somers-ftp-mfxx-04).
Public fieldStatic memberMLST
Represents MLST extension.
Public fieldStatic memberMode
Represents MODE extension. Consider using SupportsModeZ property.
Public fieldStatic memberRest
Represents REST extension. Consider using SupportsRestStream property.
Public fieldStatic memberSize
Represents SIZE extension.
Public fieldStatic memberUTF8
Represents UTF8 extension.
Public fieldStatic memberXCRC
Represents XCRC extension. Consider using SupportedHashTypes property.
Public fieldStatic memberXMD5
Represents XMD5 extension. Consider using SupportedHashTypes property.
Public fieldStatic memberXSHA1
Represents XSHA1 extension. Consider using SupportedHashTypes property.
Public fieldStatic memberXSHA256
Represents XSHA256 extension. Consider using SupportedHashTypes property.
Public fieldStatic memberXSHA512
Represents XSHA1 extension. Consider using SupportedHashTypes property.
See Also