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FtpPermission Fields

The FtpPermission type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAppend
The "a" permission applies to objects of type=file, and indicates that the Append(String, Byte) command may be applied to the file named.
Public fieldStatic memberChangeFolder
The "e" permission applies to the directory types. When set on an object of type=dir, type=cdir, or type=pdir it indicates that a ChangeFolder(String) command naming the object should succeed, and the user should be able to enter the directory named. For type=pdir it also indicates that the ChangeFolderUp command may succeed (if this particular pathname is the one to which a ChangeFolderUp would apply.)
Public fieldStatic memberCreateFile
The "c" permission applies to objects of type=dir (and type=pdir, type=cdir). It indicates that files may be created in the directory named. That is, that a UploadUnique(Byte) and UploadUnique(Stream) commands are likely to succeed, and that Upload(String, Byte) and Append(String, Byte) commands might succeed if the file named did not previously exist, but is to be created in the directory object that has the "c" permission. It also indicates that the Rename(String, String) command is likely to succeed for names in the directory.
Public fieldStatic memberCreateFolder
The "m" permission applies to directory types. It indicates that the CreateFolder(String) command may be used to create a new directory within the directory under consideration.
Public fieldStatic memberDelete
The "d" permission applies to all types. It indicates that the object named may be deleted, that is, that the DeleteFolder(String) command may be applied to it if it is a directory, and otherwise that the DeleteFile(String) command may be applied to it.
Public fieldStatic memberList
The "l" permission applies to the directory file types, and indicates that the listing commands, List, NLST, and GetList may be applied to the directory in question.
Public fieldStatic memberPurge
The "p" permission applies to directory types. It indicates that objects in the directory may be deleted, or (stretching naming a little) that the directory may be purged. Note: it does not indicate that the RMD command may be used to remove the directory named itself, the "d" permission indicator indicates that.
Public fieldStatic memberRead
The "r" permission applies to type=file objects, and for some systems, perhaps to other types of objects. It indicates that the Download(String) command may be applied to that object.
Public fieldStatic memberRename
The "f" permission for objects indicates that the object named may be renamed - that is, may be the object of an Rename(String, String) command.
Public fieldStatic memberWrite
The "w" permission applies to type=file objects, and for some systems, perhaps to other types of objects. It indicates that the Upload(String, Byte) command may be applied to the object named.
See Also