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Limilabs.Mail.Headers Namespace

MIME headers namespace.
Public classContentIdHelper
Contains helper methods for content-id operations.
Public classContentType
Represents content type of the message (E.g. "text/plain"). You can use static fields of this class such as: TextPlain, ApplicationPdf or ImageJpeg.
Public classDispositonActionMode
Specifies if the disposition described by the disposition type was a result of an manual or automatic action. You can use static fields of this class: ManualAction, AutomaticAction.
Public classDispositonSendingMode
Specifies if the Message Delivery Notification (MDN) was sent manually or automatically. You can use static fields of this class: SentManually, SentAutomatically.
Public classDispositonType
Describes disposition type of the message (RFC 2298, RFC 3798) You can use static fields of this class: Displayed, Deleted.
Public classDSNAction
Indicates the action performed by the Reporting-MTA as a result of its attempt to deliver the message. You can use static fields of this class: Failed, Delayed, Delivered, Relayed, Expanded.
Public classExtendedDomain
Represents extended domain information. Used to describe From and By parts of Received headers.
Public classHeaderCollection
Represents collection of all MIME headers.
Public classHeaderDecoder
Implements 'Base64' and 'Quoted-Printable' header decoding (RFC 2047), removes comments and replaces escape sequences.
Public classHeaderEncoder
Implements 'Base64' and 'Quoted-Printable' header encoding (RFC 2047).
Public classHeaderEncoderConfig
Represents HeaderEncoder configuration.
Public classListID
Represents list id.
Public classMailAddress
Represents base class for email addresses. You can use MailBox to represent single mailbox, or MailGroup to represent a group of email addresses. Consider using GetMailboxes method to extract MailBox(es) represented by this email address. You can use MailAddressParser class to parse raw string into its object representation.
Public classMailAddressParser
Email address parser. It can be used to parse raw strings and create its MailBox or MailGroup representation.
Public classMailBox
Represents mailbox that consists of email address and display name.
Public classMailGroup
Represents mail address group that consists of a Name and Addresses list.
Public classMimeDisposition
Represents type of action which mail user agent should take to present the specified data to the user. (RFC 2183) You can use static fields of this class: Inline, Attachment.
Public classMimeEncoding
Mime encoding format. You can use static fields of this class: Bit7, Bit8, QuotedPrintable, Base64.
Public classMimeImportance
Importance of email message. You can use static fields of this class: High, Normal, Low.
Public classMimePriority
Priority of email message. You can use static fields of this class: Urgent, Normal, NonUrgent.
Public classMimeReportType
Represents report type. You can use static fields of this class: DeliveryStatus, DispositionNotification.
Public classMimeSensitivity
Sensitivity of email message. You can use static fields of this class e.g. Personal, Private, CompanyConfidential.
Public classMimeSubtype
Represents content's subtype (RFC 2045).
Public classMimeType
Represents content's type (RFC 2045).
Public classReceivedEntry
Represents single 'received' header of the email.
Public interfaceIContentDisposition
Content-Disposition header interface.
Public interfaceIContentTypeHeader
Represents 'Content-type' header. You can use this class to add additional options to content-type header
Public enumerationAddressComparisionMode
Represents address comparision mode.
Public enumerationAddressHeaderRenderMode
Represent address header rendering mode. This constant is primarly used to define how BCC headers is rendered.
Public enumerationHeaderEncoding
Header encoding format.
Public enumerationHeaderRenderMode
Represents MIME entity header render mode.