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PartialMailJoinerIgnoreFirstMessageHeaders Property

Gets or sets the value indicating if first message headers should be copied to the resulting message. Default is false.

Namespace:  Limilabs.Mail.Tools
Assembly:  Mail (in Mail.dll) Version: 3.0.23341.1754
public bool IgnoreFirstMessageHeaders { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Boolean
(1) All of the header fields from the initial enclosing entity (part one), except those that start with "Content-" and the specific header fields "Message-ID", "Encrypted", and "MIME-Version", must be copied, in order, to the new message. (2) Only those header fields in the enclosed message which start with "Content-" and "Message-ID", "Encrypted", and "MIME-Version" must be appended, in order, to the header fields of the new message. Any header fields in the enclosed message which do not start with "Content-" (except for "Message-ID", "Encrypted", and "MIME-Version") will be ignored. (3) All of the header fields from the second and any subsequent messages will be ignored.
See Also