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SmtpConfiguration Properties

The SmtpConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowPartialSending
Gets or sets the value indicating if SendMessage(IMail) and SendMessage(SmtpMail) should send a message even if some recipients were rejected. Setting this value to true when Pipelining is used improves performance. Default is false.
Public propertyAuthenticationEncoding
Gets or sets text encoding used when providing credentials.
Public propertyAuthWithoutInitialResponse
Gets or sets the boolean value indicating if AUTH command should be used without initial response only. Default is false.
Public propertyBccRenderMode
Gets or sets the value indicating how BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) header is rendered when message is sent. By default, messages with BCC recipients, are rendered with an empty BCC header. Some servers might require no BCC header at all.
Public propertyCustomHost
Gets or sets the value, which, if set, is used when sending HELO or EHLO commands.
Public propertyDeliveryNotification
Gets or sets the delivery notification options (Delivery Status Notifications, DSN) for email. Available when DSN is reported by SupportedExtensions.
Public propertyEnableChunking
Gets or sets the value indicating if Chunking should be used when sending messages. Default is true.
Public propertyEnablePipelining
Gets or sets the value indicating if Pipelining should be used when sending messages. Default is true.
Public propertyEnableValidation
Gets or sets the value indicating if SmtpMail instance validation is performed before sending. It ensures that the message has a sender, at least one recipient and a body. Default is true.
Public propertyRetryAuthWithoutInitialResponse
Gets or sets value indicating if AUTH command should be retried without initial response on failure.
See Also