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LicenseStatus Enumeration

Represents the status of license validation.

Namespace:  Limilabs.Mail.Licensing
Assembly:  Mail (in Mail.dll) Version: 3.0.23341.1754
public enum LicenseStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
NotLoaded0 There was no attempt to load and check the license file yet.
NoLicenseFile1 There is no license file in appropriate folder. Please check the value of GetLicensePath method and place your license there.
Invalid2 License was loaded, but is invalid.
InvalidXml3 License was loaded, but the XML is invalid.
InvalidSignature4 License was loaded, but it has invalid signature.
InvalidLicenseXml5 License was loaded, but the XML is not a license.
Exception6 License was loaded, but an exception occurred.
Valid7 License was loaded and is valid.
Revoked8 Valid license was loaded, but was it revoked.
VersionNotCovered9 Your license doesn't cover this version - it was released after your support expired.
See Also